April 2024
Upcoming events, resources, and information to support leaders of professional development.
What's New with LFTX
Evaluating Professional Learning

How do you know your professional learning is working? "With federal funds on the chopping block (again), it is of the utmost importance that we ensure professional learning is making a difference and document the impact," says Suzanne Bouffard, the editor of The Learning Professional. The February issue of The Learning Professional digs into evaluation purposes, methods, tools, and results. Click here to read these articles:
7 reasons to evaluate professional learning By Joellen Killion
Assessing the quality, effectiveness, and impact of professional learning is fundamental.
Look beyond the Satisfaction Survey By Thomas R. Guskey
Go beyond participants’ reactions with an evaluation model that measures changes in teacher practices and student
6 things to know about evaluating professional learning By Learning Forward
Answers to frequently asked questions, like “How is evaluation different from research?”
A Georgia district examines and improves its professional learning using the Standards Assessment Inventory.
Join Learning Forward to gain a national perspective on professional learning. You will receive the Learning Professional, the Connect newsletter, the Professional Learning News newsletter, and discounted pricing for the Annual Conference.
Click here for more information about joining today.
2024 Learning Forward Texas
Annual Conference
Keynote Speakers

Debbie Silver
Amber Teamann
Pre-Conference Sessions

Registration is now open through May 24.
The 2024 Learning Forward Texas Annual Conference will continue to focus on supporting adult learning. Connect and collaborate with other coaches, directors, and professional learning specialists. This year's conference will be held at the Hurst Conference Center in Hurst, Texas.
The same great conference at the same price!
PL Where You Belong
This summer professional learning specialists will be able to join a session during the Learning Forward Texas Summer Conference in June, called PL Where Everyone Belongs. You are invited to share your previous learning experiences and the small actions that make you feel included and welcomed in professional learning environments, in addition to the ones that have not helped you to feel welcomed and valued. Your stories and examples will help professional learning facilitators identify practices that have the potential to cultivate learning where all adults feel a sense of belonging.
Sponsored Content
OL&LA: Professional Learning in Structured Literacy, Tailored for Language Diverse Classrooms
OL&LA (Online Language & Literacy Academy) is an asynchronous online course that gives today’s educators the tools they need to unlock the full potential of every student. OL&LA personalizes professional learning for literacy by integrating evidence-based reading instruction, second-language acquisition, and CORE’s nationally acclaimed Teaching Reading Sourcebook.
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Reflection Tools

As the end of the school year is approaching, you might need a good reflection activity. Learning Forward Texas has curated a list of resources to help as you plan your next meeting or learning session. The lists include Community Builders, Energizers, Engaging Processes, Reflection, and Grouping strategies.
Leading, Learning, and Collaborating with Trish Hinze
In anticipation of our summer Learning Forward Texas conference, we’re thrilled to present a series of interviews with our keynote and pre-conference speakers. To start, dive into our conversation with Trish Hinze, where she shares her insights on collaboration, transforming teams, and building collective efficacy. Get ready to be inspired!
Learning Forward Texas is looking for monthly guest bloggers for our newsletter. Email Lisa Ham at ed@learningforwardtexas.org if you are interested; include your name, title, topic, and the month you would like to contribute.
Regional Affiliates
The Learning Forward Texas Regional Affiliates are ready to go with meetings scheduled throughout the year. Regional affiliates are meetings hosted and planned by local school district professional learning leaders.
Invite a friend to these upcoming meetings!
LFNTX - The April meeting will be on April 12, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in Keller ISD. Click here for more information.
LFCTX - Thank you to Leander ISD for hosting the March Virtual meeting. They facilitated Role Call: Leading the Way in Professional Learning, using Joellen Killion and Cindy Harrison's article, “5 Core Roles of Central Office Learning Leaders” as the guide.
LFSETX - LFSETX is forming a steering committee to plan a fall meeting.
LFWTX - LFWTX is forming a steering committee to plan upcoming meetings. Watch for more information.
Click here for more information from each of the regional affiliates.

Images from last month's LFCTX meeting and Tips 2 in Crowley ISD.
Shared Resources
23 Ways to Check for Understanding - TCEA Blog - As educators, we strive to ensure our students grasp the material we present. But how can we be sure our students understand the material? Checking for understanding throughout class is crucial for both teachers and students. Read More.
Nominate a Changemaker - Learning Forward - A changemaker is an educator whose professional learning leadership is making a positive difference in a school or educational system, leading to benefits for staff and most importantly, students. Click the button below to nominate a teacher, coach, administrator, superintendent, or other learning leader. Read More
Practical ways educators say they are using AI in professional learning - Learning Forward - In preparation of the release of the April issue of The Learning Professional on technology and the future of learning, we asked educators on LinkedIn how they are leveraging AI in professional learning Read more
5 Popular Education Beliefs That Aren’t Backed by Research - Edutopia - The research suggests that adjustments to these common misconceptions can turn dubious strategies into productive lessons. Read more
2024 Professional Learning
Professional Learning Opportunities
Check out these professional learning opportunities for this spring and summer.
Tips and Tools 3 for Professional Learning
May 6, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Mac Bernd Professional Development Center - Arlington ISD
1111 W Arbrook, Arlington, TX 76015
Click here to register - will be available soon
Tips and Tools 1 for Professional Learning
June 3, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Granbury ISD Administration Building
217 N. Jones St. Granbury, Texas 76048
2024 Learning Forward Texas
Annual Conference
June 10 - 12, 2024
Hurst Conference Center, Hurst, TX
Contact Lisa Ham, Executive Director,
to discuss the benefits of Tips and Tools workshops
ed@learningforwardtexas.org 512-266-3086 ext. 1
Have you planned your spring and summer Professional Learning?
Contact us to help!
News from Learning Forward
Standards for Professional Learning Week 2024

Join us April 22 - 26 to learn how Standards for Professional Learning can help you address the most-cited challenges that educators face. Daily learning events will feature lively discussions about effective, standards-aligned school systems that support educators in addressing student learning needs.
U.S. Congress maintains level funding for Title II-A in FY24
Learning Forward is very pleased that the U.S. Congress, in recognition of the value of professional learning to student learning and educator retention, has agreed to maintain level funding for Title II-A – the Supporting Effective Instruction Grants – in Fiscal Year 2024. We are particularly grateful for this result given the difficult budgeting environment…
Leadership Team Institute
Maximize your leadership team’s impact on teaching and learning.
July 2024–June 2025
Registration closes April 15, 2024. Learn more...
Learning Forward Texas
516 E. Byron Nelson Blvd., #1279
Roanoke, TX 76262