Vision, Mission, & Values
Annually, the board of directors reviews the strategic plan and votes on our vision, mission, and values. These statements serve as powerful tools providing us with meaningful guidance as we help our members leverage the power of professional learning to affect positive and lasting change.

Our Mission
Connect, inspire, and empower educators through quality professional learning to positively impact classroom practice.
Our Vision
Every student is served by educators who engage in profound, high-impact professional learning daily.
Our Values
Continuous Improvement
Goal 1 - High Impact support
Develop consultancy services aligned to district needs.
Respond to district needs with aligned professional learning.
Provide support to districts in leadership and teacher pipeline development.
Develop support communities around areas of need or problems of practice.
Goal 2 - Innovative Learning Experiences
Develop new fee-based learning opportunities based on district needs.
Develop options for internet-based free learning opportunities.
Support districts in evaluating quality professional learning.
Goal 3 - Expanding our Reach
Connect with current and potential clients through a variety of methods.
Increase our presence at state and national conferences to connect with potential clients.
Recognize outstanding professional learning programs throughout our state.
LFTX host affiliate meetings (virtual) for regions without a leader.